這款充滿爆炸場景的街機式賽車遊戲會讓你在幾秒鐘內就體驗到當惡棍的感覺。駕駛一百多輛華美的賽車,在 5 個獨特的遊戲世界中漂移並不斷向前推進。 在戰爭中獲得勝利,完成各種任務,或者在你用導彈轟炸與你競爭
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Ever wanted to play boring video game where absolutely nothing bad can happen to the main character?
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Heart Attacks! is the game where you play as a man's heart as he runs for his life from a weird
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A hilarious, insanely hard platformer that will succeed in making you happy and angry at the same ti
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一款滑稽的街機類射擊遊戲,用垃圾食品轟炸潮人,讓他們膨脹,直至爆炸。回味無窮! * 用彈道漢堡射擊他們! * 用奶昔手榴彈炸他們! * 用噴氣背包噴出的甜汽水融化他們! * 讓他們淋一場熱蘋果派雨!
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